Q&A: Changes to public notice requirements passed in 2014


From the Pilot News (Plymouth):

Q: Can you give an update on the law that allows an alternative means of publication of budgets? When is it effective? What notices are included? 

A: As previously reported by HSPA, the changes passed by state legislature in 2014 concerning public notice advertising are:

• Storage facilities no longer are required to publish notices in newspapers before they sell abandoned property. They can still publish notices in newspapers if they choose but are no longer required to do so. They could use their own website to satisfy the public notice requirement.

• This year will be the last for publication of local government budgets as part of the budget approval process unless HSPA can convince the state legislature to reverse its decision during the 2015 Indiana General Assembly.

This is one of the reasons HSPA commissioned an American Opinion Research survey on public attitudes toward the publication of public notice advertisements.

No other public notices were impacted by the state legislature.

Contact Steve Key, HSPA executive director and general counsel, with media law questions at skey@hspa.com or (317) 624-4427.