Advertise in Indiana at great rates


It’s more affordable than ever to reach Indiana with HSPA’s Indiana Classified Advertising Network’s classified and display ad rates. Want your message to go statewide? To two-thirds of Hoosiers? To just one region of Indiana? We’ve got the perfect rate for your message.

ICAN Pick Two rates
ICAN Pick Two rates

With HSPA’s Pick Two program, advertise in two regions of Indiana for one great price:

Weekly 25-word classified ads – $280 a week for two regions (Or $245 for one region and $320 for the whole state)

Daily 25-word classified ads – $520 a week for two regions (Or $450 for one region and $590 for the whole state)

Weekly 2-column-by-2-inch display ads – $750 a week for two regions (Or $550 for one region and $900 for the whole state)

Weekly 2-column-by-4-inch display ads – $1,400 a week for two regions (Or $1,000 for one region and $1,800 for the whole state).

For more information or ad placement, e-mail or call (317) 803-4772.