Upsell ads for revenue boost


Revenue of $525 for a 25-word classified ad looks pretty good on the bottom line.

That’s the consensus at the Daily Reporter (Greenfield).

The paper recently got that return when it upsold a local adoption ad into HSPA’s Indiana Classified Adver­tising Network.

It adds up
To request an HSPA advertising network refresher session or ask questions, contact Shawn Goldsby at or (317) 803-4772.

Newspapers stand to bring in more money than they otherwise might by upselling classified and 2×2 and 2×4 ads into HSPA’s advertising system, said Steve Key, HSPA executive director and general council. 

“The benefits of running an ad statewide rather than just locally is appealing to advertisers,” Key said. “And the program benefits newspapers and HSPA financially.”

The adoption ad upsold by the Reporter brought in about 25 per­cent more than it would have had it printed locally only, said Reporter advertising director John Senger. It’s running weekly for a month in 140 papers statewide.

“The $525 was great for the paper,” Senger said.

HSPA member newspapers that participate in the advertising program get up to $400 off annual dues and commission on each ad sold: $150 or more per weekly classified ad, $88.50 or more per daily classified ad, and $135 or more per display ad.

HSPA staff members Pamela Lego and Shawn Goldsby went to Greenfield in May to conduct a refresher course on the association’s advertising network at the Daily Reporter. Ad reps got a short training session on insertion orders, deadlines and other basics.

“It was extremely helpful to have Pam and Shawn come and have a training session with our classified staff,” Senger said. “So that was the first step.

“I would not be surprised to see our classified staff sell three to four every month.”

Classified ad rep Rachel Hofer recommended the statewide network when a client called to place her adoption ad in the Reporter, Hofer said. She emailed the woman an HSPA advertising brochure and made the sale the next day.

“It’s a good-size ad,” she said of the $525 in revenue. “We were definitely excited about it.”

Newspapers can request training sessions on the advertising network or ask questions by contacting Goldsby, HSPA advertising network coordinator, at or (317) 803-4772.

All of the information is also available at by clicking on “Advertising” in the top menu bar.

HSPA’s advertising network funds 80 percent of the association’s operating budget each year because member newspapers donate the ad space. The Daily Reporter ad, for example, brought in $595 to the association.

Most U.S. press associations run similar advertising networks in their states, so HSPA can arrange for ads to run outside of Indiana as well, Key said.

“It’s a good deal for advertisers and newspapers, and it funds legal, legislative and other services to papers,” he said. “We all win with this advertising reach.”