Send HSPA your political rates


The Indiana May primaries saw lots of advertising dollars spent on broadcast, cable and direct mail, but few dollars from gubernatorial, Senate and Congressional campaigns made their way into local newspapers.

Midwest Advertising Placements, the advertising arm of HSPA, is targeting these candidates for the fall election, and MAP needs your help to be competitive.

Please send your 2016 political rates so MAP can make sure your newspaper is quoted correctly in our statewide and district advertising proposals.

If you have special sections for the fall election, please include this information as well.

Send all information to MAP advertising director Pamela Lego at

MAP will remind campaign managers that newspapers are the most effective political advertising buy with the strongest reach concentrated among those most likely to vote.

“There is no comparison to the value of a local newspaper,” Lego said. “As the fall election cycle heats up, residents will turn to newspapers to find the latest balanced and credible reporting on the candidates and the issues facing Indiana now.”

HSPA’s 2014 statewide survey found the following statistics about Hoosiers:

• 81 percent of registered Indiana voters read a printed newspaper on a weekly basis. Add online newspaper readership and the percentage of registered Indiana voters goes up to 88 percent.

• 86 percent read a printed newspaper or access a newspaper website on a weekly basis.

• The average weekly reach of newspapers (print and online) is 83 percent for young adults.

• 55 percent of registered voters cited newspapers as the most used source of information on how they decide to vote. (Cable TV and all Internet sites combined were tied for second at 43 percent; national TV was next at 37 percent; radio came in at 17 percent; social media at 13 percent; direct mail at 13 percent; and billboards at 4 percent.)

• 51 percent of voters are still making up their minds on who to support during the final three weeks of a campaign.