Hall of Fame seeks nominees


The Indiana Jour­nalism Hall of Fame has instituted a new award to honor individuals who have made contributions to journalism through such ancillary areas as technology, business or freedom of information.

The Distinguished Service to Journalism Award will be presented to one person each year who has influenced journalism in Indiana, said president Ray Moscowitz, adding that the award won’t necessarily be given each year.

Anyone may nominate people for the award. A majority vote of board members will be required in the approval process.

Nomination, voting and presentation dates coincide with dates used for selecting and inducting Hall of Fame members.

If board members receive nominations and select a recipient, the first award could be announced as early as 2012.

Moscowitz said other guidelines are:

• Only one award will be presented each year.

• The board has no requirement that the award must be presented each year.

• Receipt of this award does not make one a member of the Indiana Journalism Hall of Fame.

• The award may be presented posthumously.

For more information visit www.indianajournalismhof.org.