Why Newspapers?

Newspapers still deliver. They deliver credibility, and they bring to the newsgathering process a set of standards unmatched. Newspapers also deliver an audience.

Newspapers lend advertisements a certain weight and dignity. Newspapers remain the heart and soul of small towns, sharing ad space with the only local news and information consistently available in many communities. Newspapers in metropolitan areas have a tradition and place of trust with their readers that elevate the advertisements accompanying the news stories within.

Newspaper advertising serves up a very desirable demographic, reaching those with higher levels of education and higher incomes. It also offers an opportunity to provide detail and explanation to a greater degree than broadcast media, essential to campaigns that require lists, figures and fine print.

The only way to reach certain portions of our state is through newspapers. Their market coverage is broad and acts as a vehicle in places where roads are few. Newspapers deliver vital messages unlike any other medium.

The power of newspaper advertising is black and white. Call HSPA Advertising Solutions, and we will chart a simple, direct, effective course for you.