Q&: Public notice advertising formula


From The Shel­by­ville News:

Q: We received an email from the county auditor requesting to place an advertisement to bid starting Sept. 8 and ending Sept. 21.

We double-checked the dates requested via phone and email and informed the office that normally these type of notices are published one time per week during two consecutive weeks. They said they want it published on 12 consecutive publication days.

Our public notice advertising formula covers only up to four publication dates. Do you have a formula on how to charge for a 12-consecutive-day run? 

A: It was a good idea to verify the auditor’s intent to publish the notice on 12 consecutive days. I have not run across that request before and am not aware of a reason the auditor would chose to do that.

To determine what the line rate would be for 12 insertions, take the line rate you charge for one insertion and multiply that amount by 6.5. (The progression is 1.5 times one insertion rate for two insertions, two times the one insertion rate for three insertions, 2.5 times the one insertion rate for four insertions, etc.)

Contact Steve Key, HSPA executive director and general counsel, with media law questions at skey@hspa.com or (317) 624-4427.