Q&A: Coupon advertisement


From the LaGrange Standard and LaGrange News:

Q: Is it legal for a restaurant to advertise a coupon for a free alcoholic drink? I know happy hours drink specials are not allowed. 

A: I’ve reviewed IC 7.1-5-10-20, which concerns restrictions on reduced prices for alcoholic drinks, and I don’t see language that would prohibit a coupon for a free drink.

Eateries can’t offer a reduced price unless it’s good for the whole day.

They also can’t require a customer to purchase two drinks when they place an order or give them two drinks when they place an order for one.

But I see no prohibition on a coupon offer.

Contact Steve Key, HSPA executive director and general counsel, with media law questions at skey@hspa.com or (317) 624-4427.