Don’t miss out on free advertising training


HSPA reminds publishers and advertising directors that member papers have free access to Media $ales Basics, a self-paced online advertising training program.

The lessons target beginning ad managers and sales reps and experienced sales reps from other fields – anytime, anywhere they can access the Internet.

Media $ales Basics

HSPA members can use the online advertising training program at for free in 2012. 

Training questions: Dave Blakeslee, or 614-794-0500 Ext. 110

Questions about use of the program: Karen Braeckel, HSPA Foundation director, or (317) 624-4426

Request a resend of login information: Shawn Goldsby, or (317) 803-4772

To sign up for training, go to and use the log-in information HSPA members received by email.

To request a resend, contact Shawn Goldsby at or (317) 803-4772.

After successfully entering the HSPA login, each user will be asked to set up an individual account with name, email and company. Employees then no longer will use the generic code.

The training program focuses on three fundamentals: advertising, prospecting and consultative media sales.

A panel of Indiana newspaper advertising directors selected Media $ales Basics from other training program available.

Through an agreement with AdMall, HSPA members may use the program for their Indiana newspapers as often as they like in 2012. Each newspaper can name an administrator who can view all activity for the paper.

Newspaper staffs can watch a video about the program at