New round of Value of Newspaper promos available to HSPA members


Tell readers about the indispensable role your publication plays in their lives and community. That was the goal of the Value of Newspapers promotional campaign launched in October.

This month, a second round of ads is available to HSPA member publications.

The campaign, designed by Indianapolis ad agency Well Done Marketing, aims to provide newspapers with tools to better tell their own stories to readers, said Steve Key, HSPA executive director and general counsel.

The marketing effort was funded by the HSPA Foundation and features a variety of customizable print and web ads including audio/radio and video spots that can be used on a paper’s web page and on social media.

To access the marketing campaign, click here. 

The promotional material offers marketing tools to newspapers that might not otherwise have the resources to promote themselves to their readership.

“We are all fortunate to be members of an organization that is working to help us during these challenging times,” said Foundation Board President B.J.Riley who serves as publisher for the Decatur Daily Democrat and the Post and Mail in Columbia City.

The print and video promos feature scenes from small and medium-sized towns with universal themes and subjects iconically associated with Indiana — like basketball.

The promos are a resource to help newspapers maintain and gain readership, said Pete Van Baleen, general manager of Fort Wayne Newspapers.

“We’ve got to expand and let people  know that what truly matters in their local community is happening in the newspaper,” he said.