Small ads have big impact on revenue


Upsell classifieds, 2x2s into HSPA’s statewide network

HSPA has a deal you can’t refuse.

No, we’re not sending Corleone enforcer Luca Brasi to pay you a visit.

Your press association is offering you additional profit on ads sold into its statewide advertising network.

Accept the deal and you can offer local advertisers the ability to share their message regionally or statewide at a great price.

When you incorporate HSPA’s Power of 2 statewide advertising network in your portfolio of services, you offer advertising customers more options.

When your sales reps have a customer with a limited advertising budget but a product or service that has value to readers in multiple counties or the entire state, sell them on the HSPA program that will place a 2×2 display ad in up to 92 Indiana newspapers.

The price to your customer is only $900 – $270 of that goes to your bottom line.

Your customer wants a bigger presence in those newspapers? Double the size of the ad to a 2×4. The cost is $1,800 for the customer’s message to run in 92 papers. Your profit is $540.

You say the customer is only interested in placing a classified ad? Let’s say she’s looking to hire a semi-tractor trailer driver. Extend her reach to the labor pool in the entire state for only $320 for a 25-word ad in the Indiana Classified Advertising Network.

Your profit: $150.

The customer’s ad runs in 142 Indiana newspapers. That covers a lot of truck drivers.

But you say he wants the ad to run more than once a week? Not a problem. You can sell him an Indiana Classified Advertising Network daily ad for $590 that will run Monday through Friday in 52 daily newspapers. Your profit: $177.

“It’s a deal you can’t refuse, but too many HSPA members fail to take advantage of the opportunity to combine profit and service to benefit customers,” said Steve Key, executive director and general counsel for HSPA.

If a newspaper sold only one weekly classified ad, one daily classified and one 2×2 ad a month into HSPA’s advertising network, its bottom line would be enriched by $7,164 a year.

Not bad for selling to your current customers.

But, you say, the customer only wants to run ads in a few surrounding counties and wants them to be larger than a 2×4 ad?

HSPA can handle that, too, with our display advertising placement program, Midwest Advertising Placements, but that’s another story for another issue of The Indiana Publisher.

For more information on using HSPA’s statewide advertising network to increase your revenue and your clients’ reach, contact Shawn Goldsby at or (317) 803-4772 or click here for more information.