HSPA launches Member Quarter Page Partnership initiative


To maintain Hoosier State Press Association services without imposing burdensome dues increases for members, the HSPA Board of Directors has instituted a Member Quarter Page Partnership as a new obligation for members.

The crux of the program is that member newspapers would donate 30 inches of space that HSPA could sell to a client for a color ad. HSPA would use the funds to maintain current services to its 150-member newspapers.

Those services include representation of the Indiana newspaper industry before the state legislature and other government units, free legal advice to member newspapers, and an advertising placement service that has placed more than $8.5 million in advertising since 2010 in newspapers.

“This program allows HSPA to continue its support of our local mission without incurring a large dues increase.”

Bev Joyce, president of the HSPA Board of Directors

“The work of the Hoosier State Press Association has been a vital resource for Indiana newspapers since its creation in 1933,” said Bev Joyce, president of the HSPA Board of Directors and publisher of several Indiana newspapers of CNHI. “This program allows HSPA to continue its support of our local mission without incurring a large dues increase.”

To keep the program easy to manage for HSPA and for member newspapers to account, each member newspaper will allow HSPA to run one color ad not to exceed 30 column inches in their respective newspaper at no charge. The funds collected from the advertising client for this ad placement would directly offset the decline in dues revenue due to Indiana newspapers closing or reducing frequency of publication from daily to weekly status and the continuing decline in revenue from the three statewide advertising programs (ICAN, ICAN Daily and Power of 2).

“This is a program that has been utilized by other press associations or press foundations over the years to raise revenue without increasing the dues obligation of member newspapers,” said Steve Key, executive director and general counsel for the Hoosier State Press Association.

The revenue from the donated space will support the core functions of HSPA – lobbying of the General Assembly and other government affairs work, legal advice to our members on public access issues (Open Door Law and Access to Public Records Act), public notice laws, libel, periodical mail permits, Fair Housing Act and Equal Employment regulations on advertising, political disclaimers and other advertising requirements.

Here are the details to the proposal:

Member Quarter Page Partnership
Newspapers provide a color ad not to exceed 30 col. inches at no charge.
HSPA would not provide the client with free advertising. The monies collected for the advertising placed with these ads, would stay with HSPA.

This ad placement would be sent to the advertising manager of the newspaper for placement. The coding on the placement would specify the HSPA MEMBER QUARTER PAGE PARTNERSHIP. The ad would be marked at N/C (no charge).

HSPA Advertising Services would not seek out local business from member newspapers. This placement would come from HSPA present clients or new clients.