Statement of Ownership deadline is Oct. 1


It’s time to file, publish and fax your U.S. Pos­tal Service State­ment of Ownership.

File the statement with the U.S. Postal Ser­vice: The deadline for filing your Period­icals Class Statement of Ownership with the Pos­tal Service is Oct. 1. Get the form at your local post office or at Enter “statement of ownership” in the search field and download Form 3526.

Publish the statement in your paper: The dead­line for publishing your notice depends on the frequency of publication.

• For dailies and newspapers published two or more times a week, the deadline is Oct. 10.

• For weeklies, the deadline is Oct. 31.

Fax the statement to HSPA: We’ll use the information to verify your circulation for membership and contest eligibility. The fax number is (317) 624-4428.

For more information con­tact Steve Key at or (317) 624-4427.