Learn about, discuss the role of courts in U.S.


A program on the role of courts in a democracy is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 15  in Indianapolis.

Newspaper editors and other staff members are encouraged to attend.

“We the People or We the Courts?” is designed to offer education and discussion about the role of courts in the United States.

The program is set for 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Martin University, 22nd Street and Sherman Drive in Indianapolis.

Program highlights will include:

• A panel discussion about courts and society with federal judge Sarah Evans Barker, Indianapolis Star Editor and Vice President Dennis Ryerson and Indiana University law professor John Lawrence Hill.

• A presentation from Indiana Supreme Court Justice Robert D. Rucker on how judges are selected and how the Supreme Court works.

• Indiana attorneys discussing public reaction to judges’ rulings.

The event is free and open to the public.

It is sponsored by the American Bar Association Judicial Division, Indiana Supreme Court, Indiana State Bar Association, Indianapolis Bar Association and Marion County Bar Association.

For more information, contact Kathryn Dolan, Indiana Supreme Court public information officer, at kdolan@courts.state.in.us.