Circulation conference offers outlook for 2014


Mark Henschen, a native Midwesterner now in Arizona, will return to his roots to guide fellow circulators through a workshop Friday, Sept. 20 at The Indianapolis Star’s Pulliam Production Center.

During “Looking forward through the eyes of a leading circulation executive,” the vice president of operations and circulation for the Arizona Daily Star (Tucson), will present a variety of practical topics and promises a motivating, educational and rewarding day for all participants.

Circulation conference

What: Looking Forward, a daylong workshop

When: Friday, Sept. 20, 2013

Where: The Indianapolis Star’s Pulliam Production Center

Registration: CLICK HERE to sign up online, or CLICK HERE to download the registration brochure newspapers received by mail

Information: (317) 803-4772

“Mark comes highly recommended and speaks regularly at regional and national association events including Inland and NAA,” HSPA Foun­­dation Director Karen T. Braeckel said.

Henschen calls his morning session Rising from the Ashes of the Great Recession.

In the afternoon he will turn practical in two sessions: Time to Get Your Independent Contractor House in Order and Preparing for the Digital Future – Ideas to Assist.

He will address how Obamacare could affect your bottom line with contractors and other issues you should watch carefully before 2014.

In the final session, Henschen will discuss the digital future. He successfully installed a pay wall at the Daily Star that stopped the bleeding when the snowbirds returned home.

Henschen began his circulation career as a newspaper carrier for seven years. He won the Gannett National Newspaper Carrier of the Year college scholarship.

While working toward his college degree, he served as a customer service manager, assistant district manager and district manager at the Commercial News in Danville, Ill.

For nine years he served as circulation director at The Times (Munster) after overseeing two papers in Illinois. Then his career took him to the West where, at one time, he oversaw 16 properties for Howard Publications until Lee acquired them.

The Foundation will underwrite much of the cost of the no-frills circulation conference to allow newspapers to send staff at $15 per person (early-bird rate).

The Foundation mailed the brochures this week. Register using the form on the back cover or online at

For more information call (317) 803-4772.