Teachers group honors reporter


The Indiana State Teachers Association pre­sented the prestigious School Bell Award to KPC Media Group reporter Jennifer Decker.

The state’s largest teachers’ union annually presents the award to a media person whose work supports the public education philosophy of ISTA.

Decker covers the Prairie Heights and Fremont school districts for The Herald Republ­ican and The News Sun.

Prairie Heights teacher Sue Tyler nominated her for the award.

“Jennifer has cham­pioned the area schools with dignity and optimism,” said Stacy Kurdelak, chairwoman of ISTA’s issues and con­cerns committee. “She is aware of what is hap­pening in our schools and is always eager to attend activities so that she can shine a light on the important work public schools are performing, as well as dispelling some of the negative myths about public education.”

A journalist from northeast Indiana has not won the award in a number of years.

Last year’s School Bell Award went to Dan Car­penter, an Indianapolis-based writer who formerly worked for The Indian­apolis Star.

– The Herald Republican (Angola)